Will a Florida Domestic Violence Charge Affect My Employment?

As a resident of Florida, navigating the legal landscape can be complex, especially when it comes to matters of domestic violence. Undoubtedly, being accused of any crime is a stressful and deeply personal situation that may affect multiple aspects of your life. 


One cause for this stress might be the concern for your existing employment or future job prospects. You’re probably wondering: How will this charge impact my career and livelihood? Is my future at my current job safe? These are understandable and valid questions that deserve clear and concise answers.  


Our attorneys at Stechschulte Nell Law have navigated this territory countless times and are here to offer advice for those facing these serious charges.  


Whether you are currently employed or seeking employment in Florida, this article is for you. 



Immediate Consequences of a Domestic Violence Charge 

The moment you are accused of a domestic violence charge in Florida, several things can happen immediately. 


  • You may be arrested and detained by the police, which could lead to immediate job loss if you cannot make it to work or fulfill your normal duties. 
  • A judge may issue a restraining order also called a no-contact” order 
  • You may face immediate social stigma and negative backlash from society, further complicating your employment status. 
  • A charge can create a permanent criminal record that poses further grave implications in many ways, including your current employment and future job prospects in Florida. 


Now let’s discuss some frequently asked questions.  


FAQ #1. Can a Domestic Violence Accusation Result in Job Termination? 

It depends. Being accused of any crime can lead to various disruptions in your professional life, possibly resulting in job termination. Assumptions, perceptions, and the severity of the allegations can significantly influence your employer’s decision-making. 


It is important to understand that  Florida is an “at-will” employment state. 


“At-will” means your employer may terminate your employment at any time, for any reason or no reason at all, so long as it’s not discriminatory or retaliatory. This often extends to personnel adjustments following criminal charges.  


FAQ #2. How Does a Domestic Violence Charge Affect Future Job Prospects? 

Many industries place great importance on the character of their employees including: 


  • Healthcare 
  • Education 
  • Childcare 
  • Finance 
  • Law enforcement 


A domestic battery or assault conviction may be viewed as an indicator of character flaws or instability, which can raise concerns among current or potential employers. 


On your job application or during interviews, you may be required to disclose any criminal charges, including domestic violence. This disclosure may inevitably influence an employer’s decision to hire you.  


FAQ #3. What Does a Background Check Reveal? 

Background checks are a common part of employment procedures across various industries. In Florida, a background check can reveal a wide range of information, including criminal records. Such data can significantly impact your employment opportunities. 


Note: In Florida, arrest records for past offenses that did not result in a conviction cannot be requested by employers.  


FAQ #4. How Can a DV Charge Influence My Professional Licensing? 

For those in professions requiring professional licenses or certifications, a domestic violence conviction can have severe implications. Often, licensing bodies run thorough background checks and require individuals to maintain a clean record.  


A criminal conviction may raise concerns about your suitability to continue in the profession, leading to potential license suspension or in extreme cases, revocation.  


FAQ #5. What About the Impact on Security Clearances?  

If you’re working in a field that requires a security clearance, such as many government positions or defense contracting jobs, a criminal charge of any kind could be particularly problematic. Government agencies often scrutinize security clearance applicants with great detail, and a criminal record is considered a potential risk.  


Consequently, this might result in a security clearance denial, impacting your current position and future aspirations within these sectors.  


FAQ #6. What Opportunities Are There for Rehabilitation or Expungement? 

Having a domestic violence charge does not entirely close the door on your career. Florida law provides opportunities for rehabilitation and even expungement under certain circumstances. 


Attending therapies, anger management courses, and other rehabilitation programs can reflect positively on your potential for change and could be factored into future employment decisions. 


Expungement, the process of sealing arrest and conviction records, might also be an option and would prevent such charges from appearing on background checks. 


Read More > What is the Statute of Limitations for Domestic Violence in Florida? 


Let Us Defend You 


When facing domestic violence charges, seeking legal support is crucial. A skilled attorney like ours at Stechschulte Nell Law can play a vital role in mounting an effective defense.  


Our team, led by former prosecutor, and Board-Certified criminal defense attorney Ben Stechschulte, brings a depth of knowledge and expertise to navigate complex legal proceedings. We offer valuable guidance on potential plea deals or alternative resolutions that may mitigate the impact of these serious allegations.  


If you or a loved one has been accused of domestic violence, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 813-280-1244 for a case review today. We are on your side and are available 24/7 to take your call in Tampa, Orlando, or Miami.   


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